Psychometric Tools

Here at CAP Training & Development we can give you access to a variety of tools that can help support your needs. When appropriate, they can be used to provide customized analyses. Please follow this link to access the tools. Login details will be forwarded to you shortly.

en_mbtiMyers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (MBTI ®)

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (MBTI ®) is a versatile assessment of personality type. It describes people’s preferences for interacting with others, gathering information, making decisions and organizing their lives.

Widely used for individual, group and organizational development, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can help people make business, career and personal decisions. Over two million people gained valuable insight about themselves and others by taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator last year.

Sample Reports


  • Measures 12 competencies that set excellent performers apart
    Based on years of research, the tool provide the most valid measures you’ll find.
  • Is affordable and easy to apply – both for you and your participants
  • Gives you a 360° assessment of an employee’s emotional and social behavior

en_wpiWork Personality Index The WPI provides a valid and dependable measure of personality that directly influences a person’s work performance and task effectiveness. Based on a model of 17 personality traits the WPI helps describe an individual’s style in terms of job related strengths and weaknesses. These reports provide valuable information to assist with personnel selection, succession planning, leadership development, and coaching.

Sample Reports

en_tkiThomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) The TKI is a powerful assessment that examines how conflict handling styles affect personal and group dynamics. Depersonalize conflict in your organization so you can focus on achieving share goals and business outcomes. The TKI can help your organization: improve productivity and performance; develop better working relationships; make faster decisions; and reduce stress levels.

Sample Reports

firobFundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior ™ Assessment For more than 50 years, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior ™ (FIRO-B ®) assessment has helped people around the world unlock the mysteries of human interaction at work and in their personal life. This instrument quickly gathers critical insights into how an individual’s needs for inclusion, control, and affection can shape his or her interactions with others.

FIRO Business For more than 50 years, the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation TM (FIRO ®) approach has helped people understand their interpersonal needs and how those needs influence their communication styles and behavior. Building on the history and reliability of the FIRO model, the FIRO Business TM assessment addresses the specific requirements of organizations. The FIRO Business assessment helps you develop great leaders while improving organizational performance. It is particularly valuable to businesses because it quickly gathers key insights for relating to direct reports, superiors, and peers, influencing and negotiating, making decisions, and setting priorities.

Sample Reports

en_cipCAREER INTEREST PROFILER. Identify top career choices. Anyone searching for career direction will find this tool helpful. The Career Interest Profiler (CIP) measures six traits and suggests 20-40 top careers that fit the test taker’s interests. The report includes job descriptions, links to O*Net and NOC (National Occupational Classification) databases, as well as, helpful information and exercises for further career exploration.

Sample Reports

en_cvsCAREER VALUE SCALE The Career Values Scale (CVS) is an up-to-date measure of work values, preferences and needs. These values are a part of a person’s core beliefs and give meaning to the person’s career and life. They are a useful indicator of job satisfaction and personal goals.

Sample Reports

en_cpi260California Psychological Inventory, CPI 260 ™ The CPI 260 ™ assessment opens a new window into people’s strengths and opportunities for development, offering a vibrant portrait of the individual as seen through the eyes of others. Ideal for one-on-one coaching, small group training, or any performance improvement initiative, this powerful, business-focused assessment transforms the venerable CPI instrument into one of today’s most popular leadership development and management training tools.

Sample Reports

en_sales_ap[1]Sales Achievement Predictor The Sales AP is an objective measure of characteristics that are critical for success in sales. The test has separate measures for overall sales disposition, cold calling, and sales closing, in addition to many characteristics related to sales potential and performance such as assertiveness, personal diplomacy, and patience.

Sample Reports

en_cust_apCustomer Service Aptitude Profile The Customer Service AP evaluates the applicant in terms of: customer service strengths, potential strengths, and areas that need development. Validity scales identify applicants who have an unusually positive or unusually negative style of self-presentation—and the scores of those applicants are automatically adjusted. In addition, the report includes recommendations for training and motivation. This assessment will help you evaluate candidates applying for customer service positions as well as identify training/motivational needs for current employees.

Sample Reports

W-361B_lStress Assessment – Measure Traits and Habits that Moderate Stress-Illness Relationship The Stress Profile quickly identifies individual characteristics and behaviors that protect against or contribute to stress. Use this tool within organizational settings as part of wellness, stress management, and health promotion programs. Because it is quick and easy to administer, the Stress Profile is ideal for routine use in organizations, outpatient clinics, hospitals, and medical practices.

Sample Reports

Work Engagement Profile Improve your organization’s bottom line through increased employee engagement Two kinds of factors shape employee engagement: extrinsic rewards, such as pay, benefits, promotions, awards, and so on; and intrinsic rewards—psychological rewards that fuel engagement by providing a positive emotional charge. The Work Engagement Profile uniquely focuses on measuring intrinsic rewards and providing insights that can directly affect your organization’s bottom line because it addresses work engagement at the core level—the employee’s feelings about the work itself.

Sample Reports